
Pop-Up Trade Show Exhibits are an Ideal Solution when Convenience, Cost-Savings, and Portability are Top Priorities - Boston, MA

- Friday, January 13, 2017
The Exhibit Source - Pop-up Trade Show Exhibits in Boston, MA

Trade show fabric pop-up displays are an ideal solution for exhibitors who consider convenience, cost-savings, and portability as top priorities.

The pop-up trade show exhibits in Boston, MA are available in two different models, a floor model and a tabletop model. Both do a great job in promoting your products and services creatively and effectively during a trade show. You can also use a combination of both to create a high-impact exhibit which can still be set up and taken down conveniently. These displays have an aluminum frame which has an accordion-like design that easily pops open and locks into place, so you can prepare for the show effortlessly.

A wide array of options for customization are available for graphic and structural exhibit designs that will work well for your marketing campaign. This is a great option for those who are promoting different products or joining many marketing events simultaneously. With a pop up display, the graphics can easily be interchanged for a new look for each event or product you want to showcase.

To find out more about pop-up trade show exhibits, contact The Exhibit Source.

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